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Dean’s leave. Facts and myths – what does it really look like?

Dean’s leave is a term that often appears in the context of studies at universities. Many people, especially outside of academia, may have different ideas about what a sabbatical leave really is. In this article, we will try to dispel any doubts by presenting facts and myths related to this topic.


1. Definition: Dean’s leave is a period during which students have the opportunity to postpone or suspend their student duties based on the decision of the dean of the faculty or other authorized university body. This is usually granted for important reasons, such as illness, difficult family situation, social activity, participation in sports competitions at national or international level, work placements or participation in student exchange.

2. Procedure: In order to obtain a dean’s leave, students must submit an application to the dean’s office of their faculty, where they justify their request and present the necessary documents confirming their situation. The decision to grant the leave is made by the dean or other authorized body based on the evaluation of the presented arguments and documents.

3. Duration: Dean’s leave may be granted for various periods of time, usually from one semester to one academic year. It may be granted once or multiple times, depending on the situation and legitimate reasons.

4. Effects: During the dean’s leave, students are released from the obligation to participate in classes, examinations and other student activities. They are also not entitled to financial aid or scholarships related to their studies.


1. Holidays: Dean’s leave is not synonymous with summer holidays. This is a form of exemption from student obligations, which is granted on the basis of specific criteria and is not available to every student.

2. Impunity: Dean’s leave does not mean that students are completely free from responsibility and consequences. They must meet certain conditions to get leave and are sometimes required to make up for missed items at a later date.

3. Automatic granting: Dean’s leave is not automatically granted to every student who applies. The decision to grant the leave depends on the assessment of the individual case by the relevant university body. Various factors are taken into account, such as justification, supporting documents and compliance with university regulations and regulations.

4. Unlimited number: There is also a common belief that students can use dean’s leave as many times as they want and for any length of time. In fact, granting dean’s leave for subsequent semesters or longer periods of time requires additional assessment and justification, in accordance with university procedures.

5. Lack of consequences: It is also a myth that students on dean’s leave are completely free from consequences and have no obligations towards the university. Despite the exemption from student obligations, there may be some consequences, such as fees related to the postponement of the semester, restrictions on access to certain student services or restrictions on the use of university facilities.

Dean’s leave is an important tool that allows students to focus on other important matters in their lives that may affect their studies. However, it is important to distinguish fact from myth in order to have a full understanding of what sabbatical leave really is and what its rules are. Each university may have slightly different regulations regarding the granting of leave, so it is always a good idea to read the policy of the university and consult with the relevant people for specific information on this topic.

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Last modified: 2023-05-28
